"the office" by William Lovas Use American dialect and the serial comma. Wean 8301 is a room. "You are in the office of Kevin Bierhoff, Edith Law, William Lovas, and Chris Martens, according to a placard on the outer surface of the door. Various and sundry manners of flotsam and jetsam line the walls, shelves, and desks of the occupants. Through the north window you can see Smith Hall and the CIC, as well as Craig Street in the distance. The door to the south opens out to the hallway." Smith Hall is scenery in Wean 8301. The description is "One of the robotics buildings." The CIC is scenery in Wean 8301. The description is "Intel's Collaborative Research Center. You've always thought the building looked incomplete, as if they forgot to include the siding." Understand "collaborative innovation center" as the CIC. Craig Street is scenery in Wean 8301. The description is "You can just barely make out the Starbucks at the corner." Starbucks is scenery in Wean 8301. The description is "It's too far to make anything out." A placard is scenery in Wean 8301. "[italic type]'Too old to hack ML, too young to die.'[roman type] You fondly remember creating the door tag during your first year, though the names were different then, and life was simpler." Some stuff is scenery in Wean 8301. "Just a bunch of junk, some of it accumulated during your 5 years here, some much older." Understand "flotsam" and "jetsam" and "flotsam and jetsam" as the stuff. Some walls are scenery in Wean 8301. "Concrete. 'Don't hate me because I'm brutalist,' you hear Wean saying to you." Some shelves are in Wean 8301. They are scenery. A box of Crispy Hexagons is on the shelves. The description of the box is "The Crispy Hexagons have a long and venerable history of being bought in the annual Useless Stuff auction, sitting on a shelf in 8301, and being re-donated to the auction when their current owner graduates. No one is certain precisely where they come from. They probably date back to the 80s." The box is edible. Understand "cereal" as the box of crispy hexagons. Instead of eating the box for the first time, say "I wouldn't eat the hexagons if I were you...". Instead of eating the box for the second time: say "Throwing caution to the wind, you foolhardily tear open the box, grab a handful of hexagons, and shove them into your mouth. You have never tasted cereal so stale, so revolting... Perhaps that was a bad idea."; end the game saying "You have died of dysentery". A desk is in Wean 8301. The description is "Your desk is the one in the corner. Your computer sits in the middle of the desk, surrounded by piles of papers, books, and research notes." It is scenery. Understand "desks" as the desk. Some papers are on the desk. The description is "Here's a good one: [italic type]Refinement Types as Proof Irrelevance[roman type]. You remember writing that! You remember writing it all night long... your eyes glaze over at the memory." Some books are on the desk. The description is "[italic type]Types and Programming Languages[roman type], by Benjamin Pierce, and [italic type]Surreal Numbers, or How two ex-students turned onto pure mathematics and found total happiness[roman type], by Donald E. Knuth." Some research notes are on the desk. The description is "Random scribblings and doodles. Some are quite pretty." A computer is on the desk. The computer is a device and scenery. Instead of examining the computer: if switched on: say "You recognize the screensaver as one of the xscreensaver defaults: "; choose a random row in the Table of Screensavers; say "[screensaver entry][paragraph break]"; otherwise: say "The display is currently switched off." Understand "display" as the computer. Table of Screensavers screensaver "A multi-colored wireframe hypercube spins in four dimensions." "Several strange attractors zoom about, occasionally colliding." "An OpenGL whale swims across the screen. Very slowly." "A colored path wends its way through an automatically generated maze." "Colonies of cellular automata grow, shrink, spawn, and die." "It's the one called 'Frenetic'. You have never liked this one..." "A spotlight roams over an embossed version of your desktop." "A simulation of Missile Command plays itself out." "Your desktop progressively divides into smaller and smaller quadrants that shift clockwise. The image dissolves into static and then slowly reconstitutes itself, rotated by 90 degrees." "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Appropriate." "Bob Dobbs. On fire. Cool." "A wire-frame stick-man juggles a few pins." "Segmentation violation, core dumped. Well, it's not [italic type]exactly[roman type] a screensaver... you make a note to remove the core file so your AFS volume doesn't fill up." South of Wean 8301 is the Hallway Outside Wean 8301. The Hallway Outside Wean 8301 is a room. "The hallway outside your office belongs mostly to the Physics Department, as evidenced by the garrishly colored wall-mounted displays that make up the [bold type]Bruce and Astrid McWilliams Center for Cosmology[roman type]. One display covers half of the hallway's window, you note bitterly. The Center stretches to the east, while the rest of the hallway winds around to the west." Instead of trying going east in the Hallway, say "You have no reason to visit the [bold type]Bruce and Astrid McWilliams Center for Cosmology[roman type].[paragraph break]" A window is scenery in the Hallway Outside Wean 8301. "Far off to the north you can make out a tall, wide water tower on a hill. One of these days, you plan on setting out to find the water tower, since you see it everyday through the window. It will be an epic adventure, indeed!" West of the Hallway Outside Wean 8301 is the Hallway by the Bathrooms. The Hallway by the Bathrooms is a room. "The men's room (Wean 8008) is to the north. So is the women's room, but you're a dude." The Men's Room is north of the Hallway by the Bathrooms. "There are some stalls here." Inside from the Men's Room is the Stall. The toilet is an enterable supporter in the stall. Test movement with "s / w / n / s / e / n".